Connect Care Physician Training & Readiness

Effective training is one of the most powerful predictors of clinical information system (CIS) adoption. Training needs to reflect physician workflows, accommodate different learning styles and empower for personalization. The Connect Care physician training strategy serves these goals by having physicians train physicians, offering flexible pathways to competence and supporting different learning styles. The approach and process is explained in a short online presentation.

The Chief Medical Information Office (CMIO) portfolio includes the organization of training and launch supports for prescribers (physicians, trainees, nurse practitioners, clinical assistants, etc.).


Training occurs in phases. Basic training covers essential skills for logging on, navigating Hyperspace and using common functions safely. Personalization training teaches how to adapt the CIS environment for a more satisfying experience. Optimization training explores workflow improvement for productivity. Basic and personalization training occur pre-launch, while optimization training occurs post-launch.

Training also occurs in waves, with cohorts of prescribers moved through basic, personalization and optimization training at times that befit their anticipated launch date for Connect Care adoption. Training usually starts within the 6 months prior to a launch. Prescribers can anticipate their launch by checking when their clinic or facility is scheduled in the Connect Care launch sequence.


Training blends self-directed (online), directed (classroom and virtual classroom) and experiential (case-based) delivery methods. All online activities occur through MyLearningLink (, where physicians can find the track they are registered for and the associated competency assessment. 


Basic training provides the knowledge needed to attain 80% or better on a simple competency assessment. This End User Proficiency Assessment (EUPA), plus InfoCare privacy training, is required to gain access to the production Connect Care environment. 

Just-in-time and Supplemental Training

Prescribers may be new to Alberta, work as locum or extender physicians, experience last-minute clinical reassignments, or otherwise anticipate working in a setting where Connect Care is active. Other prescribers may be familiar with Connect Care but not with specific Connect Care modules (e.g., inpatient) used where they will take up new work.  

The following steps are followed for prescribers needing just-in-time basic or supplemental Connect Care training:

Independent learning is currently available for most tracks. Further help with just-in-time training is available via

Refresher Training

Some Connect Care users trained in the earliest waves, particularly those who only occasionally use the system, may find it beneficial to have some refresher training to ensure they continue to have a positive user experience. Users who sign up for refresher training can choose what to review via Independent Learning, or can repeat their basic and/or personalization training via Instructor Led Training.

What Physicians Need to Do



There are many excellent resources that physicians can use to prepare for first use of the CIS. Other resources facilitate ongoing discovery of all the ways that the CIS can be shaped to personal preferences.