Virtual Basic Training

In order to participate in your virtual basic training, review the following:

1. Preparing for Training

In order to participate in your virtual training session, you must have:

Please sign in 15 minutes before class using the link in your pre-ILT email to keep classes running on time.

2. Starting Your Training

We have scheduled your training session to accommodate lifestyle breaks and allow adequate time to complete your basic training session.

If you have questions or are struggling, please email us at

3. MyLearningLink 

To find your required courses, sign in to MyLearningLink using your AHS username and password at Click on "Required Courses" to find all of the components required to complete your Connect Care training.

Additional resources for MyLearningLink:

4. Pre-Class eLearnings

We recommend you complete the videos found in MyLearningLink under “Required Courses” > “Basic Training” > “eLearnings - Before Class” prior to attending basic training. To watch these learning videos, a computer, laptop or tablet device will work best.