Admission Navigator 

All patient admissions should be facilitated with the Admission navigator. The only possible exception is when admission to a Connect Care facility setting results from transfer from another Connect Care facility. Use of the Admission navigator ensures that:

The most important Admission navigator steps, in order, include reviewing information, taking actions and completing documentation:

Following the navigator steps in order saves time. Earlier steps address dependencies for later steps. For example, while the History and Physical (H&P) note can be started at any time, use of a standardized note template after other Navigator steps are complete ensures that information entered is automatically pulled into the note, saving documentation time and avoiding double data-entry.

Problem List

It is critically important that the problem list be reviewed and updated, complying with how hospital problems are defined, marked as principal, and prioritized. The Problem List display is unique in the Admission navigator, making the following tasks easier:

The patient's medical, surgical, family and social histories (via the "History" section) be updated at the same time as the problem list is managed. It is easy to move problems to the medical history and vice versa. Completing this documentation simplifies preparation of an admission history and physical (which pulls in this information).

Allergies and Adverse Reactions

A patient's allergies and adverse reactions need review at every admission and must be checked before any medication orders are contemplated. This information may be entered by other team members and can be "marked as reviewed" if validated. 

Review Home Medications

This is where a "Best Possible Medication History" (BPMH) is entered or validated (if entered by other team members). It is essential (and mandated by AHS policy) that this be done. Note that changes made by other team members can be viewed via the "Medication Document Review Audit" report (see Support: Home Medications History).

Transition Planning

An interactive (click on text items to edit) "transition planning at admission" section allows quick entry of information about a patient's pre-admission community supports, frailty and home oxygen requirements. Interactive text also facilitates quick validation of the admitting provider, admitting service and primary provider team.

Admission Orders

By this point there is enough information in the system to allow medication-allergy, medication-medication and medication-problem interactions to be checked. Click on the link to "admission orders".

H & P Notes

This section facilitates preparation of the admitting History and Physical. Sometimes an Emergency provider note, Emergency consultation note or prior outpatient note (for surgery admissions) can serve as the H&P note which is required documentation for an admission. A "H&P Link" section lists eligible prior notes and allows one to be selected so that a new H&P does not need to be prepared.

Admission Checklist

An "Admission Checklist" highlights essential tasks that must be completed for an admission to proceed without deficiencies. The same checklist appears in the default page showing in the chart "Sidebar" (rightmost column of an open chart).

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