Exceptional Care Plan Documentation

Some patients suffer from chronic or recurring conditions that may present with exacerbations in settings where staff are unfamiliar with a patient's specific treatment requirements. Examples include rare bleeding disorders, complement deficiencies, and complex metabolic disorders, as well as multi-emergency department users requiring a consistent approach to management that may differ from prevailing standards.

Clinicians managing such patients may have devised individualized treatment plans that work best for a particular patient with a particular health condition. These "Exceptional Care Plans" (ECP; also referred to as "Emergency Treatment Plans" or "Exceptional Treatment Plans") are documented in Connect Care using a workflow that ensures that the existence of the plan is prominently flagged for other providers, and that relevant review or expiration dates are highlighted.

Reviewing Exceptional Care Plans

Existing and active ECPs are chart documents. These can be found and reviewed by any of the following means:

Selecting an ECP found by any of these means will bring forth the plan and associated instructions. Note that these plans may have additional hyperlinks within them.

Clinical Validity of Plans

Pay particular attention to the ECP properties (at the top of individual plans). These specify a "last reviewed" date, "next full review" date and current plan status (Active or No longer needed). This information can determine whether a plan is still clinically applicable.

Authoring Exceptional Care Plans

A new ECP can be documented by using the Exceptional Care Plan activity (found by any of the methods listed above). Instructions are provided within the activity. A simple way to start a new plan is to use the New Note link provided in the ECP section of the "Notes" view in an inpatient chart (right) sidebar.

All new ECP notes are created using a standard template which ensures that all ECPs have similar layout and content. Use the F2 key to find wildcards for entering the ECP name/title, the relevant health condition and the specifics of the actual treatment plan. Also be sure to select the "ECP Properties" button at the top and enter review date and status details.

Clickable (link) areas within the ECP documentation template facilitate rapid access to tools for entering structured data used in the template.

Copying Plans to Primary Care and other Providers

As illustrated in the linked tip sheet, the best way to copy existing ECPs to other providers involves accessing the ECP via the notes tab in the Chart Review activity (Hyperspace), then using the "Route" button to select one or more providers for receipt. Covering comments can be added. 
