
The Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) supports speech recognition and dictation. There are two ways for clinicians to use voice to generate material for inclusion in the medical record:

    1. In-System Dictation
      happens when a hardware or software microphone is coupled with the CIS so that dictated text and commands interact directly with the CIS. Any amount of text, from a few words to entire letters, can be entered into the exact spot in the electronic record where it belongs. Moreover, the text can be corrected while dictating and the need for transcription is avoided. Voice can also be used to issue commands that help navigate the CIS, initiate actions (e.g., orders, billing, notes) or trigger time-saving text automations.

    2. External Dictation
      happens when provincial eScription or a completely separate system such as an independent transcription service is used to transcribe recorded dictation, and then the result is incorporated into the record through some kind of copy-and-paste or link to Netcare.

The goal is to help all clinicians shift to in-system dictation (#1) as soon as possible. External dictation (#2) is to be avoided.

More Information

Subsections explain how to use the preferred in-system dictation with "Dragon Medical One".