Transition (Discharge) Planning
Preparing for discharge begins at admission. Some admissions involve predictable interventions and outcomes, with dates and dispositions unfolding as expected. Others are complex and require multidisciplinary planning to facilitate safe and timely transitions. In addition, well-organized post-discharge supports can reduce unnecessary re-admissions.
Transition Care Plan
Transition planning is facilitated by a shared plan. This includes consideration of a patient's health and social needs prior to admission, important changes occurring during an admission, and how needs will be addressed after discharge. Transition care plans are team plans. They reflect consensus-building among participating disciplines and clinicians.
Transition Planning Tools
Connect Care provides decision and documentation supports that can help with complex discharges, while improving communication to those continuing care after discharge. These tools comprise a "transitions planning package" that includes:
Admission and Discharge Navigators
Expected Discharge Date (EDD Management)
Frailty Assessments
Daily Checklists
Rapid Rounds Patient Lists
Transition Care Plan Reports
Integrated Discharge Readiness Assessment ("Traffic Lights")
Transition Planning Sidebars
Transition Planning Documentation
Standardized Discharge and Transfer Summaries with LACE Index readmission risk awareness
Communications to Electronic Health Record (Netcare) and Electronic Medical Records (eDelivery)
Performance feedback in Meaningful Use Dashboards
Good transition planning is key to alignment with the meaningful use norms that all inpatient prescribers should comply with. This section explains how Connect Care's transition planning tools work, with links to tips, guides and demonstrations:
Admission and Discharge Navigators
An Admission Navigator promotes sequential attention to what matters most for a safe transition to hospital. This includes problem, medication and adverse reaction reconciliation, history taking and admission orders. Indeed, use of the Admission Navigator initiates data capture that then flows through daily care to discharge documentation. The Discharge Navigator picks up information entered at admission while highlighting changes that have occurred in hospital, exposing this for effective discharge documentation and communication.
Expected Discharge Date
An Expected Discharge Date (EDD) is prominent in relevant navigators, sidebars and patient lists. This allows a rough estimate to be entered, along with any early observations about factors that might affect. The EDD can be revised throughout an admission.
When active medical issues have been addressed as far as possible, the patient's level of care is adjusted to "Alternate Level of Care" (ALC). This ALC status is normally initiated at the time of a revised EDD if the patient cannot be discharged on the actual EDD.
Transition planning checklists appear in the default inpatient sidebar that shows when an inpatient chart is opened. Three checklists group "admission", "daily" and "discharge" tasks. The same lists can be accessed within patient lists (an available list report) and as a chart activity (menu search for "checklist"). Checklists improve awareness of things like EDD documentation requirements, as well as specific actions that should be taken prior to discharge.
Patient Chart Sidebar
The default chart sidebar has a transition planning section that summarizes discharge readiness indicators, with embedded links for just-in-time access to information from rapid rounds and other transition planning activities. In addition, a dedicated discharge planning sidebar can be accessed from the inpatient sidebar index (top of sidebar). This reproduces in the sidebar all information found in the transition planning report.
A shortened "Transitions of Care" planning section appears within the default sidebar that shows when an outpatient encounter is opened. It focuses on current patient support needs and community resources used.
RAPID Rounds and Transition Planning
"Rapid" (Review, Assess, Plan for Imminent Discharge) Rounds is a CoACT Collaborative Care activity that fosters communication within and between care team members, including patients and families. It facilitates timely coordination of care and decreases overall lengths of stay. Among other things, Rapid Rounds are used to validate Expected Discharge Dates.
Even if formal Rapid Rounds are not practical for a particular inpatient ward, the associated transition planning tools can be used by clinicians to facilitate discharge planning. This might occur in team conferences or other planning venues.
Connect Care provides a number of informational supports for Rapid Rounds, including:
Rapid Rounds Patient List - For use during multidisciplinary discharge planning rounds, for quick information access and documentation while reviewing a panel of inpatients.
Rapid Rounds Report - Provides a compressed summary of discharge planning information together with interactive tools for updating key data and multidisciplinary discharge readiness indicators.
Transition Planning Sidebar - For use when a chart is opened to an inpatient encounter, replicating much of the information found in the Rapid Rounds report while speeding access to information best updated during day-to-day care.
Rapid Rounds Patient List
Patient lists serve as a gateway to inpatient workflows in Connect Care. A uniquely interactive list has been developed to support Rapid Rounds. This exposes information needed for discharge planning while allowing much of it to be updated in-context without leaving the patient list.
Rapid Rounds Report
When a patient (row) is selected in a Rapid Rounds patient list, a "report" displays either below or to the side of the list (user preference). The default report for Rapid Rounds lists is a transition planning report. It is interactive; any heading or subheading can be selected to open a pop-up for viewing or editing relevant information.
Discharge Readiness ("Traffic Lights")
Alberta Health Services (see Alternate Level of Care) considers a patient medically ready when the primary provider discipline (referred to as "medical" for simplicity) for an inpatient encounter has completed tasks and the patient is dischargeable. Other needs (e.g., further mobility promotion, destination facility readiness, community home care readiness) may delay discharge after a patient is medically ready, and medical readiness typically triggers a change of level of care to "Alternate Level of Care".
Connect Care provides discharge planning tools that can help record determinations about when a patient is medically ready for discharge. Planning for patients with relatively straightforward discharge needs can be facilitated with a simple medical readiness tool. Planning for older or more complex patients is best done with a multidisciplinary transition planning tool. The latter facilitates readiness determinations for more than one collaborating healthcare discipline.
Simple Medical Readiness
The Expected Date of Discharge editing tool is enhanced (February 2025) to include a binary button ("Ready Now", "Not Yet Ready") that can be used to indicate whether a patient is medically ready for discharge. The date of determination is automatically recorded. The focus is on medical readiness, as there are no tools for explicitly tracking nursing and allied health readiness.
Complex Medical Readiness
A multidisciplinary discharge readiness planning tool can be accessed from within the Rapid Rounds List (double-click on the Readiness column "traffic light" symbol), Rapid Rounds Report (click on the "discharge readiness" section text) or sidebar transition planning tools (again, click on the "discharge readiness" section text).
A pop-up tool facilitates simultaneous management of multidisciplinary indicators of discharge readiness, expected discharge date (EDD), discharge destination and the level of care. It also provides a space where teams can record discharge planning notes, which can be iteratively updated in a wiki-like fashion.
Safe Handling Readiness
The discharge readiness planning tool includes display of a patient's latest safe handling status (SHS) as well as the target SHS that must be achieved for the intended discharge destination. The 6 levels of SHS (Independent, Minimum assistance, 1 - person assist, 2 - person assist, Sit/Stand with lift, Total lift) are represented with familiar icons. These can be selected to quickly change the current or target SHS.
In addition, a SHS patient list column appears within the Rapid Rounds patient list templates. This shows whether the current status equals or exceeds the target mobility. Hovering reveals the last recorded current and target statuses. Double-clicking opens an editor for quickly changing status.
The same tools can be accessed from transition planning reports using interactive charting. A flow icon can be selected to review trends in patient SHS.
Transition Planning Sidebars
Discharge Planning Sidebar
A rightward "sidebar" displays whenever a patient chart is opened to an inpatient encounter. This has a link index at the top that supports rapid switching among more specific sidebar reports, including a "Planning" report that exposes transition planning supports.
These sidebar displays replicate much of the discharge planning information found in Rapid Rounds tools. In addition, the "Discharge Planning" title within the sidebar can be selected to open the Rapid Rounds Transition Planning Report.
Discharge Barriers, Delays and Milestones
Rapid Rounds and Transition Planning information tools help multidisciplinary teams to recognize, record and manage the steps of discharge planning. This includes key events that should occur at specific intervals before an anticipated transition (milestones), early identification and resolution of barriers to an anticipated discharge, and flagging any last-minute (unanticipated) glitches that delay a planned discharge.
Discharge Milestones
Milestones are key events, such as patient education or after-visit summary preparation, that should occur as part of all discharge or transfer pathways.
Discharge Barriers
Barriers are patient-specific considerations that delay progression through expected discharge milestones and readiness for discharge. Barriers often require additional coordination or consultations to be resolved. For example, a discharge barrier might be when a patient is waiting on confirmation of a flight time for a repatriation to a northern community.
A discharge barrier is differentiated from a discharge delay by the time frame in which it occurs. Barriers occur at any time during a patient inpatient journey and prevent completion of the Safe Discharge Checklist or progression through discharge milestones. A patient has not achieved readiness as long as unresolved barriers remain.
Discharge Delays
Delays typically affect a discharge or transfer process that has already been approved, requested (ordered) and initiated. The Safe Discharge Checklist and all discharge milestones are complete, but the patient’s departure is postponed in a way that continues to occupy an acute care bed. The reason for transition postponement is the "delay." For example, a discharge delay might be recorded when there is a confirmed time for a repatriation flight but weather prevents the flight from leaving on time.
A discharge delay is differentiated from a discharge barrier by the time frame in which it occurs. Delays occur at the end of a patient journey and are used when a discharge is initiated but departure is postponed. Recording a delay begins a timer, which is displayed for bed planning teams to track, in minutes, how long a patient’s discharge has been delayed.
Frailty Informed Care
Frailty is a state of reduced function and health which increases the risk of immobility, falls, incontinence, cognitive impairment, malnutrition, depression, and social isolation. It represents an accumulation of deficits that result in loss of function across multiple body systems, which leaves a person more vulnerable to new stressors.
Frailty awareness can facilitate recognition of and attention to patients' mobility and other support needs during encounters, while improving planning for effective transitions between encounters.
Key resources explain how to use information tools and workflows in support of frailty-informed care:
Clinical Frailty Scale
The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) is a single-value metric that uses images to help clinicians remember which level of baseline (convalescent) frailty might apply to a particular patient. Use of the CFS can increase awareness of a patient's resilience and their prospect for timely recovery without additional (e.g., physiotherapy, occupational therapy) supports.
Most Connect Care transition planning tools contain a link for viewing, entering and editing patients' Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) scores.
Frailty Screening in Connect Care
Multidisciplinary team members (prescribers and non-prescribers) are encouraged to assign a baseline (convalescent or best function prior to any intercurrent illness triggering admission) CFS score as soon as possible (within 72 hours of admission) for inpatients aged 65 and older or for any patient with functional deficits or frailty syndromes. The initial assessment can be revised as more information becomes available during the inpatient encounter.
Frailty Actions
Patients with frailty do better with early multidisciplinary engagement (e.g., physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work, transition coordinator consults), allocation of appropriate patient support resources, and possibly geriatric medicine consultation.
CFS 1-3: Minimal Frailty (well or managing well) --> Consider re-screening if baseline function degrades.
CFS 4-5: Mild Frailty --> Consider further assessment by multidisciplinary team members using the Edmonton Frail Scale (acute care) to better characterize early or emergent frailty.
CFS 6: Moderate Frailty --> Consider multidisciplinary frailty assessment and care optimization.
CFS 7+: Severe Frailty --> Consider Geriatric Medicine (or Geriatric Assessment Team if available) referral or consultation.
Edmonton Frail Scale
Patients with mild to moderate frailty scores may merit more detailed assessment with the Edmonton Frail Scale (acute care and community care variants available in Connect Care).
Frailty Order Set
Any patient with frailty (CFS 4+) could benefit from prescriber use of the "Frailty Adult" order set, available within inpatient encounters. This facilitates appropriate assessment, testing, intervention and consultation for patients screening positive for frailty.
Feedback Meaningful Use Metric
Feedback about trends in compliance with Frailty screening recommendations is addressed in Connect Care Meaningful Use Norms and the associated Meaningful Use Dashboard.
Transition Planning Documentation
Use of any of the above tools generates patient- and encounter-level data that is pulled into Connect Care's provincial documentation templates, including discharge and inter-facility transfer summaries. The "Advanced" variants of these templates allow the user to select transition information summaries appropriate to different levels of complexity.
Readmission Risk and the LACE Index
Plentiful evidence shows that patients with multiple comorbidities, frequent emergency room visits or other frailty indicators are more likely to present for readmission to hospital within a short time following their last discharge. Many of these readmissions are preventable, mostly through anticipation, communication and provision of post-discharge supports.
AHS uses the "LACE readmission risk index" to stratify patients into those who are at low, moderate or high risk for early readmission. The index considers the patient's length of stay, admission type, comorbidities and frequency of emergency room visits.
Automated Calculation
Most of the information needed to calculate a LACE Index is available to Connect Care in-system, and does not need to be entered by prescribers. Accordingly, an automatically calculated LACE Index is continually updated for all inpatients.
The automated LACE Index can be found and used in a variety of ways:
Inpatient Chart Sidebar
A rightward sidebar is present when any chart is opened to an inpatient encounter. The default view includes "Checklists" as well as a "Transition Planning" section that includes the current LACE Index.
The sidebar has an index at the top, which includes an item for "Planning". This can be selected to bring more transition planning tools into the sidebar, such as the "Transition Planning" section that includes the LACE Index.
Rapid Rounds Patient List, Column and Report
Inpatient care teams may support Rapid Rounds with Connect Care tools that facilitate discharge planning. These include a Patient List template with columns summarizing key information affecting discharge readiness, including the LACE Index.
A "LACE Index" column can be added to any patient list. This column displays a patient's LACE score, colour-coded to indicate low (green), moderate (yellow) and high (red) risk. Hovering over the score reveals subcategory scores and double-clicking on the score opens a summary of details and implications for discharge planning.
Rapid Rounds lists typically show a "Rapid Rounds Report" when a patient row is selected. This report also displays LACE Index information.
The same Rapid Rounds report can be viewed from the Transition Planning section of the inpatient sidebar.
Discharge Summative Documents
LACE Index values are included in the Basic and Advanced provincially standardized discharge summary templates in the "Follow Up Arrangements" section.
A ".LACEINDEX" SmartLink can be used to pull LACE information into any inpatient documentation. The LACE index value and level is inserted.
A ".LACEINDEXFOLLOWUP" SmartLink may be more appropriate for discharge or transfer documentation. It pulls in the LACE risk level together with the AHS suggested post-discharge follow-up interval.
All of the above LACE Index inclusions are interactive. Selecting the "LACE" label will open a pop-up display that contains information about how the index was calculated, what in-system data was used, and how the index might be interpreted to guide discharge planning.
The comorbidities component of the LACE Index calculation is sensitive to whether a patient chart complies with minimum use norms. It is essential that a patient's chronic illnesses be documented in the problem list and/or medical history sections of the chart. If a particular LACE Index seems inappropriately low, be sure to confirm that the patient's comorbidities are appropriately reflected in the problem list and medical history. The LACE pop-up report (accessed by selecting the LACE label wherever it appears) includes summaries of relevant in-system data.
Manual Calculation
The LACE pop-up report includes a link to a pop-up flowsheet that can be used to manually calculate a LACE Index. Manual calculations can help validate Connect Care's automated calculation. The LACE flowsheet is also available in the Flowsheets activity.
Discharge/Transfer Documentation
All transition planning tools work together to manage a core data set that can be automatically incorporated into discharge communications, saving providers time and hassle. Provincially standardized discharge summaries are available via the inpatient sidebar ("Notes" section from index). These pull in the products of multidisciplinary planning. The writer can select from options for simple (no change), moderate or advanced (complex) transitions.