Accessing Connect Care

The Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) can be accessed using computers (desktop, laptop, notebook, tablet) and mobile devices (smartphones, iPads). Mobile access (Epic's Haiku, Canto, Limerick) is optimized for specific tasks, such as communicating, preparing for encounters or rounding in facilities. Full computer access opens Epic's Hyperspace, with a comprehensive set of all tools a clinician might need. It is also possible for non-Connect Care clinicians to access a simplified interface through the web-based Connect Care Provider Portal. Access to Hyperspace should be acquired and tested prior to attempting installation and use of any other access method.

Access Credentials

Logging in to Connect Care may involve first logging on to a computer workstation, a Citrix virtual workstation or an AHS virtual private network. In most cases, all require the same Alberta Health Services user name and password access credentials. This userid/password combination is also used for things like AHS electronic mail and file shares (SharePoint).

Most Connect Care environments, including Production (PRD, acutal patient charts), Downtime (SRO, mirrored charts), Practice (PLY, practice and learning training charts) and others are accessed using the standard ("healthy") AHS credentials. Specific training environments (e.g., ACE) may use practice accounts shared at the time of training.

Citrix Workspace

Although Hyperspace is an independent software program (Windows), Alberta Health Services (AHS) has configured Hyperspace so that it opens within a "virtual machine" (Citrix Workspace). Although Hyperspace appears to be working on one's local computer, in fact it is running on a server computer with a fully interactive view of the "virtualized" Hyperspace. Understanding this helps one understand challenges interacting with printers, scanners, microphones and other devices attached to the local computer.

In sum, access to Hyperspace happens through a middle layer that requires "Citrix Workspace" to be installed and maintained. The latest version generally works best and Citrix Workspace can be set to update automatically:

MyApps Unified Access Portal

All Connect Care access happens via AHS's unified access portal (UAP), which uses Citrix Workspace. The UAP address is easy to remember. Either of the following work both inside or outside AHS networks (also via the "CIS" button below).

More Information

Subsections explain how to register for UAP, remote access Tokens and Connect Care Hyperspace, as well as how to assure the right Hyperspace experience.