Encounter Types

There are many encounter types, each suited to particular modes of healthcare interaction. Clinical support staff create some types of encounters (e.g., clinic visits, hospitalizations, emergency room visits). Clinicians have the ability to create other types of encounters (e.g., documentation, orders-only, telephone, etc.). It is important to select or create an appropriate encounter type.

Scheduled Encounters

Scheduled encounters are planned. They are set for a date and time, with visit properties that fit the specialty need. Scheduled encounters can be conducted in-person or virtually. Indeed, encounters originally scheduled for in-person interaction can be converted for virtual care without losing properties or preparations.

Scheduled encounters are preferred for virtual care. They do a better job preserving referral workflows, capturing useful process information, and facilitating resource management. Use scheduled encounters when it is possible to do so.  

Unscheduled (Ad Hoc) Encounters

“Ad hoc” (unscheduled) encounters can be created by a prescriber on-the-fly (“Create Encounter” tab within an open chart) when and as needed. “Telephone” and “Telemedicine” encounters are among the selectable options. These support chart review, problem and medication reconciliation, documentation, ordering, prescribing, communicating (letters) and professional billing. 

Partial Encounters

Sometimes prescribers may need to interact with the chart outside of patient interaction (in-person or virtual). One may want to place orders that anticipate a future interaction. One may want to document an interaction that occurs where Connect Care has not yet deployed. This can be accomplished with one or niche types. 

Virtual Encounters

Full virtual care encounters can be scheduled or unscheduled (see above Ad Hoc visit types). A scheduled visit can be converted to a "virtual" encounter. 

When scheduled appointments need to occur remotely (patient or prescriber), clinical support staff convert existing (in-person) clinic appointments to either “Telephone Visit” or “Virtual Visit” as appropriate. In some settings, the term “Telehealth Visit” is used instead of “Virtual Visit”.
