Who to call?
First, look for an experienced user or Super User (yellow or orange Connect Care lanyard). During the weeks before and after a launch, updated information about local supports, on-site drop-in rooms and a virtual drop-in centre is maintained in the Launch Supports section.
If peer support is not immediately available, consider the type of problem - see below or, for a printable resource, the FAQ.
Possible Immediate Patient Care Impact
Connect Care access or login problems
Non-Medical Device failure (e.g., printer, scanner)
Any kind of system or function downtime or failure
Patient safety incident or problem
→ Call the Service Desk and Solution Centre at 1-877-311-4300 (enter your CPSA #, then press "1" for clinical systems, and "1" for Connect Care)
No Immediate Patient Care Impact
Something is broken or missing
Non-urgent question about how to use the clinical information system
→ Visit the Connect Care Concierge online at help.connect-care.ca (describe and send the help request) or use the “Connect Care- Submit Help Ticket” button in Connect Care, found on the top of your screen, to submit an issue or request directly from within Connect Care
Clinical or Patient Flow Concerns
How Connect Care might be affecting clinical service, relationships or quality
→ Discuss with your specialty Medical Informatics Lead (MIL) or physician leadership
Wireless (WiFi) Performance Problems
Dead spots, slow-downs, dropped connections
→ Report problems to Connect Care Concierge online at help.connect-care.ca
Major Incident (MI)
If one of the above problem types is also a suspected or recognized MI
→ See the Major Incident section of this Manual for information on additional available resources
Other Prescriber-Specific Issues
→ Check the CMIO Leader On-Call Schedule (AHS credentials required) (only available during Connect Care Launches)
→ Seek out a physician Super User in your area, a MIL in your specialty, or your zone CMIO leader; report problems to Connect Care Concierge online at help.connect-care.ca; or use the “Connect Care- Submit Help Ticket” button in Connect Care
Note: The Chief Medical Information Office (cmio@ahs.ca) ensures that a physician informatics leader is available during working hours (call the Service Desk).