Content in this section will evolve as optimizations via the Connect Care Results Routing Optimization project (2024-25) are made to the system. Please also note that the delivery information on these pages applies to mixed-context practitioners only, and in the majority of circumstances, but some exceptions may not be reflected here.

Delivery of Results, Clinical Documents & Referral Notifications to Mixed-Context Practitioners


With the implementation of Connect Care across Alberta, the delivery of clinical information to practitioners (including physicians, medical trainees, nurse practitioners, clinical assistants and other healthcare professionals – collectively referred to here as practitioners) has changed. Some laboratory and pathology results, diagnostic imaging and other procedure reports (for ECGs, endoscopy, and others) are now delivered to practitioners using Connect Care processes. 

Connect Care also changes how certain clinical documents (e.g., discharge summaries, emergency practitioner notes), referral information and appointment notifications are received. Results, reports and other clinical documents continue to be available in Alberta Netcare, as previously.

This subsection of the Manual summarizes how many of these documents are made available to mixed-context practitioners (i.e., those who work both within Alberta Health Services [AHS] and at community-based or private practices). AHS continues to optimize the configuration of Connect Care and Epic, and to identify alternative workflows that promote patient safety. A Connect Care Results Routing Optimization project is currently underway (2024-25); see the overview for a roadmap with tentative dates.

Mixed-Context Practitioners

“Mixed-context” practitioners work in an AHS setting, using Connect Care, while also providing services in one or more sites that use an independent electronic medical record (EMR), AHS legacy computer information system, or paper records. How results or reports resulted or documented in Connect Care are returned for consideration by mixed-context practitioners depends on the context of ordering, the practitioner’s relationship with the patient or order, practitioner and location information associated with the order, the practitioner’s contact information and delivery preferences in Connect Care, and the type of result, report or clinical document. 

Practitioners with Connect Care access will always have an active Connect Care In Basket to receive information that cannot be routed to external systems. 

For information that can be routed externally, mixed-context practitioners can specify the primary/default location where, and how, that information should be sent. The default location can be the Connect Care In Basket or a community location. For community locations with eDelivery (independent EMRs appropriately configured):

Information on delivery of information to mixed-context practitioners is organized into three subpages: 

Viewing and Changing Primary/Default Location

Mixed-context practitioners can find out what AHS has recorded as their default location by emailing the IT Service Desk, or by using the self-serve look-up tool (Prac ID needed to log in).

To update their primary/default location, mixed-context practitioners can email the IT Service Desk, or email a completed Request for Provider/Prescriber Set-Up in Health Information Systems Form that confirms their results delivery methods and locations to

Additional Resources
