Super User Supports

Super Users help peers build capacity for meaningful use of the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) by facilitating participation in readiness activities, supporting training, and providing “at the elbow” peer help prior to, during and immediately following launch. 

Super User Schedule

Each Super User has hours dedicated to pre- and post-launch support. Please check with clinical department leadership about Super User activities and expectations in your area.

Super User Orientation

Super User resources provide a wealth of information about logistics, locations and activities:

CMIO Tracker Database for Area Trainers, Core Trainers, and Super Users

We have transitioned from SharePoint to a database for our Area Trainers (ATs), Core Trainers, and Super Users, where you can easily:

You will no longer use the SharePoint site to validate your hours. All previously validated sessions have been transitioned from SharePoint to the new database. 

To access the database, go to and log in using your AHS username and password. For further details, see the tip sheet:

Super User Updates Channel

The Connect Care Update Blogs ( cover a lot of information useful to Super Users. One of the special-interest blogging channels,, posts less frequently but focuses on things that Super Users, SmartUsers (previously known as "Power Users") and Builders specifically need to know. 

MS Teams

For additional launch support, the CMIO uses Microsoft Teams as a platform to support communication among Trainers, Super Users, resident Super Users, and CMIO staff. A comprehensive "Launch 9 Support Team" will be created and populated with Channels for each specialty training track.

To use MS Teams for launch support, navigate to Launch 9 Support - MS Teams

Citrix Director

Citrix Director is a tool used to provide virtual support. It allows approved individuals to shadow users in Connect Care for purposes of troubleshooting issues. To launch Director while on the AHS network, visit If logging in remotely, please access through the AHS unified access portal ( For additional resources, please refer to:


A "Concierge" intake process ( allows needs to be captured, channeled and tracked. Super Users should familiarize themselves with this intake tool and enter requests and suggestions for themselves and on behalf of users. 

Screenshot Documentation of Issues

Super Users can be particularly helpful with problem-reporting if screenshots are needed to better document a tricky problem:

Who to call?

CMIO Leaders On Call

The Chief Medical Information Office (CMIO) ensures that a physician informatics leader is available before and during launch.