
Time invested setting up lists of common laboratory tests, medications, referrals, billings and other selectable items can dramatically speed information flows within the clinical information system (CIS). Similarly, adapting order sets, order panels, smartsets and documentation tools to the needs of a local group can improve provider satisfaction, while avoiding excess information burdens. 

But not everyone needs to spend time in order to reap the rewards. Clinical teams may agree to fine-tuned clinical content that would work best for them, then appoint individuals to do personalizations that are then shared back with the group.

Accordingly, personalization can proceed faster and with better results if it is backed with group work.

A personalization workshop is the best way to start one's personalization journey. Self-directed learning and peer-to-peer support help continue the journey.

More Information

Subsections provide extra tips and suggestions for personalization that may not have been well covered in training.

Clinician update and other blogging channels often deal with personalizations.
