Radar Dashboards (My Dashboards)

Radar Dashboards allow reports, visualizations and other information digests to be gathered, summarized and visualized to support clinical and administrative learning, inquiry and decision-making. System dashboards are introduced early to facilitate training (e.g., Learning Home Dashboards). Other dashboards gather links and resources of particular value to specific clinical areas. Yet other dashboards help managers track system performance, health outcomes and risk surveillance. Moreover, individual Connect Care users can create their own dashboards, either by copying and adjusting or by designing from scratch. 

Use Case

Dashboards works best for organizing and visualizing information sourced elsewhere in Connect Care or external information spaces. Clinicians and managers can use dashboards to facilitate chronic disease management, quality improvement, performance improvement or other types of tracking. 


Radar is opened as an activity in Hyperspace by searching for "My Dashboards" in the Epic menu (consider personalizing and adding this menu item to the top Toolbar) or via Chart Search (top right search box, using "Dashboards" as search term). All prescribers have access to Radar Dashboards.

Finding Dashboards

Dashboards can be retrieved via an "Analytics Catalogue" button revealed when a Dashboard title is selected in the My Dashboards activity. The Analytics Catalogue can also be found via Chart Search (keyword "Analytics").

Personalizing Dashboards

One or more Dashboards can be selected as "favorites", then sorted as desired by the user. The 'topmost' Dashboard becomes the default shown when Radar is first opened during a Hyperspace session.

Using Dashboards

Adapting Dashboards



