Dragon Medical One and Commands

Dragon Medical One (DMO) can be used to issue voice commands with effects ranging from simple navigation in Connect Care to automation of multi-step actions.

In this section you will find links to documents with step-by-step instruction and demonstration of about how to make a DMO command.

DMO AutoTexts can store chunks of text that can be inserted with a voice command. In general we'd recommend using the Epic tools to make smart phrases and call the smart phrases using a DMO command rather than making them in DMO.  There are two reasons for this. 1) Auto Texts will not enact the functions of smart phrases and 2) DMO commands are not shareable.     


Navigation commands are the first step in building more complex commands.  By themselves, they allow you to replace a keystroke or two with a voice command; together with other commands, multi-step processes allow for true automation to happen. Instructions for step-by-step commands can be found starting on page 14 of the Dragon Medical One End User Training Manual. Having a list of keystrokes and what they do is essential. Sometimes you can hover over an item to see what the key stroke would be. There is a compendium of keystrokes available and commands available in Epic available through the UserWeb; if you click on this link, you can download a spreadsheet with more than 500 keyboard shortcuts (you will need an Epic UserWeb account to access this file). An abridged list is also linked at the bottom of this page in the Resource section.

Insert SmartLink or SmartPhrase

SmartLink and SmartPhrases are powerful Epic tools allowing you to populate notes and other activities with automated text. The text can be boilerplate templates for notes, but can also bring in other elements of a chart like a current medication list. In Epic, these links and phrases are brought in by typing a "." followed by a phrase (e.g., type .medscurrent followed by the enter key for a current medication list). 

You might think you could just use a DMO Auto-Text - unfortunately, this does not work, as Epic needs to see the SmartText/Phrase being typed in order to recognize it. Cutting and pasting it in will also not work. For this reason, you will need to use step-by-step commands to do this, using the "press keys" step type. The step-by-step instructions for this can be found starting at the bottom of page 21 of the Dragon Medical One: Unofficial User Guide by Speech Recognition Solutions.

DMO Auto Texts can store chunks of text that can be inserted with a voice command. In general, we'd recommend using the Epic tools to make SmartPhrases and call the SmartPhrases using a DMO command rather than making them in DMO. There are two reasons for this: 1) DMO Auto Texts will not enact the functions of SmartPhrases, and 2) DMO commands are not shareable. 

Multi-step commands

This is where the power of DMO commands really begins to take place. By linking together multiple commands, routine activities can become automated. The easiest way to figure out what you need to do is to work through the activity yourself and take note of the keystrokes you have used to complete the task. Break it down to individual steps, and then use step-by-step commands to replicate the process. One thing to bear in mind is the need to pause; between each step, you may need to enter a pause of between 200ms to 2,000ms to let the program catch up. While this may sound complicated, it is not. Please see the instructions for step-by-step commands can be found starting on page 14 of the Dragon Medical One End User Training Manual.
